Have you ever faced a season where all it seems like you're doing is trying to catch a breath before the next wave hits? ME TOO! In fact, we have been DEEP in the middle of uncharted waves right now - taking them one by one completely by FAITH.
Mid May & June have been very interesting in our household to say the least. From a major loss of our 18 year old business, to our 14 year old puppy passing away in our arms, to the JOY of watching our daughter graduate high school, to us being forced into the chaos of a summer move quickly, to our nephew passing at the age of 27...and there's MORE.... but probably not what you’re thinking Im about to write about …
During all of this chaos and change (more than shared) the MORE has come from DEEP within the waves:
Our hearts have swelled with so much gratitude for what we DO HAVE! We have received an outpouring of prayers and encouragement and people waiting to SEE what God will do as our family heals, stands and marches forward through the FIRE!
MOST OF ALL, the longing I had most, what I was really hoping for— came crashing in at a bigger magnitude! The sweetest reward that I could ever ask for has been THE VOICE OF TRUTH (so consistent!) Even speaking while I dream. In the deepest moments of tears shed, and times of total fatigue He is speaking truth and life into our hearts.
In the last 14 days specifically, His voice has become so significantly clear.
He has a word for me (a literal one-word) every morning that I cant wait to wake up and hear what is next. Its been a joy to unfold each word very precisely in my quiet times. Definitions, scriptures, all of the above! They all string together so beautifully like a song being written. At first glance- if I just wrote the word and rushed on, it wouldn't seem this way. (I strongly encourage you to write in a journal ALL that He speaks and let it unfold in 5 or 50 minutes and you'll watch your song begin to form as well!) So beautiful!
One word He spoke very clear and I know I was suppose to share this with YOU!
“You are being HELD”
HELD: to have or keep a grip on;to take in and have within; to remain fastened; to have or keep possession or control of
Are you feeling that? Read the definitions again! Now BREATHE!
You and I are being HELD by a loving Father. He is not distant. We are not on pause- He is near and He HAS US IN HIS MIGHTY HANDS. The Holy Spirit is so specific, intentional and intimate. Invite Him into the DEEP waves of chaos or uncertainty in your heart. He IS present.
He’s continued to show us amazing things and growing our faith during this season. We are full of HOPE and supernatural strength! We are beginning our climb up the next mountain and you better believe we will remain held by HIM every step of the way! Many “only God” moments happening! HE IS SO FAITHFUL and we cant wait to share more- HOLD ONTO HIM FRIENDS! IN HIS LOVING GRIP ~ Christine
Here is the beautiful scripture He gave me with this word and I leave it with YOU! Let it encourage you right now as it still does me as I write:
PSALM 34:6-10 TPT (The Passion Translation)
When I had nothing, desperate and defeated,I cried out to the Lord and he heard me,bringing his miracle-deliverance when I needed it most.7 The angel of the Lord stooped down to listen as I prayed,encircling me, empowering me, and showing me how to escape.He will do this for everyone who fears God.8 Drink deeply of the pleasures of this God.Experience for yourself the joyous mercies he gives to all who turn to hide themselves in him.9 Worship in awe and wonder, all you who’ve been made holy! For all who fear him will feast with plenty. 10 Even the strong and the wealthy grow weak and hungry, but those who passionately pursue the Lord will never lack any good thing.
(cont) PSALM 34:17-20 TPT
17 Yet when holy lovers of God cry out to him with all their hearts, the Lord will hear them and come to rescue them from all their troubles.18 The Lord is close to all whose hearts are crushed by pain,and he is always ready to restore the repentant one.19 Even when bad things happen to the good and godly ones,the Lord will save them and not let them be defeated by what they face. 20 God will be your bodyguard to protect you when trouble is near.Not one bone will be broken!
Speaking of going DEEP!
YOU ARE INVITED! Its been our JOY to host these special Encounter retreats for over 17 years! Not one is the same! So many special moments, friendships and testimonies! We cant wait for this one! In addition to the Encounter Ministry-registration includes overnight lodging and meals!